The Clown and The Ghost

One night a group of kids decided to go to a abandoned school.They packed food and water just incase something happened they had to stay over night.After they played hide-and-go-seek tag and looked around they decided to leave since  nothing had happened…..Yet.When they were almost to the house,a ghost came up and scared them and made a kid named Paul and Syntheia fall to the ground.The rest made it away. They drug the 2 kids back to an evil laboratory.Then they tested on them and it went wrong and it turned them into…Zombies. They cut them up and put them in trash bags.They took them out in a open land area at the near morning and found a guy named Kyler hunting for….Kale!!!! After that they chased him around and they found a deep,deep river and threw the bags in.The Clown and Ghost were never to be seen again.


P-lace she rests St. Georg’s Church,Gravesend.pocahontas_simon-van-de-passe-engraving-enlarged

O-nly lived to be around 21 years old.

C-hild Tomas Rolfe(son)


H-usband John Rolfe

O-nly had one child

N-ative American

T-senacommacah is where she lived foe a little while during her childhood.

A-monute is her real name but,them she changed it to Rebecca when she moved to America.

S-aves the life of John Smith



I chose Plymouth and you should too! Heres why.Well,first of all they allow both genders female and male so I would not be able to join the other even if I wanted to.They do what they want and don’t anyone tell them what to do or what to believe in.They are brave to find what they love. They traveled across the ocean to find it!Also they went for something not to be rich in money but other things, better things. That’s why I think Plymouth and you should too! Hope that was plenty! ✌