9/11 Reflections

9/11 was a tragedy. There was a total of 4 planes that we know of. The one that hit one of the Twin Towers, then the second one that hit the other Twin Tower, and the one that hit the Pentagon, and the last one the one that landed in a field in Pennsylvania and killed everyone in it. There is now a museum to show different things that where in and at the Twin Towers. Even though you hurt us our people did not keep the pain for long. You might have knocked us down but you did not knock us out!


Life in Fifth Grade

OK.So this is how life has been. So far its been good I really like all my teachers they’re super nice! It seems we will be taking a lot of test well not all test just grades. I would put them in the order of how much I like them but I don’t to offend any of the teachers plus they are all amazing in their own ways so it would be kinda hard! Yah so I guess 5th grade is going really well so far so yay that’s good!